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Raising concerns and whistleblowing

Raising concerns and whistleblowing

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One of the most difficult situations faced by any clinician is when you are concerned that a colleague’s behaviour, health or professional performance may be placing patients at risk. This factsheet outlines your duty to raise concerns when patients may be at risk of harm.

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Articles and features 08/02/2024

The four principles of medical ethics

The four principles of medical ethics

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Medical Protection explores the unique interplay between justice, patient autonomy and the law, as well as outlining the essential four principles of ethics.

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Articles and features 07/11/2022

Parental disagreements over a child patient

Parental disagreements over a child patient

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What happens when separated parents ask for medical information about their child? Dr Heidi Mounsey, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks at this common query to our advice line.

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Articles and features 30/09/2022

Abortion Act amendments – what they mean for you

Abortion Act amendments – what they mean for you

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Dr Caroline Osborne-White and Dr Corina Lee, Medicolegal Consultants at Medical Protection, look at some recent changes to abortion law and what they mean for the professional expectations of clinicians

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Articles and features 02/08/2022

Breaching confidentiality: can doctors report a crime?

Breaching confidentiality: can doctors report a crime?

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Dr Emma Green, medicolegal consultant at Medical Protection, recalls a harrowing experience encountering a violent patient and considers the impact on confidentiality when reporting criminal behaviour or assault.

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Factsheet 19/12/2018

NHS Complaints Procedure - Wales

NHS Complaints Procedure - Wales

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The regulations on NHS complaints in Wales are designed to make complaints handling open and accountable, fair and proportionate, and patient-focused. The emphasis is on resolving concerns in a timely fashion, openly and honestly, and a philosophy of “investigate once, investigate well”.

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Factsheet 07/12/2018



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The medical consultation is a challenge to both doctor and patient, whether in the community or in hospital. The need for more detailed discussions with patients, along with their increasing autonomy and right to make choices in relation to their clinical care and treatment, has affected the traditional role of the doctor-patient relationship. This has made maintaining appropriate professional boundaries in the doctor-patient consultation more challenging, however, the guidance from national and regulatory bodies is clear that it is always the health professional's responsibility to do so.

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Factsheet 06/07/2017

Duty of candour for GPs and dental practitioners - England

Duty of candour for GPs and dental practitioners - England

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The duty, which was introduced by the government through regulation 20 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, applies to NHS organisations such as trusts and foundation trusts, to secondary care clinicians, and to bodies including GP practices, dental practices and care homes.

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Chapter 3: Professionalism - Great Expectations

Chapter 3: Professionalism - Great Expectations

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Today’s doctors are working in a constantly evolving environment, where many of the old expectations regarding the role of doctors, nurses and patients are being replaced by new ones. The roles themselves are changing – doctors are clinicians, leaders, teachers, managers, commissioners and purchasers of services.

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