Duty of candour and reporting concerns
Post date: 11/12/2018 | Time to read article: 4 minsThe information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 11/12/2018
Duty of candour
The duty of candour was introduced through Regulation 20 of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. It applies to NHS organisations such as trusts and foundation trusts, GP practices, dental practices and care homes.The intention of the regulation is to ensure healthcare providers are open and transparent with service users when errors occur. The Regulations set out the steps that need to be taken once a notifiable incident has occurred.
What is a notifiable safety incident?
- the death of the service user, where the death relates directly to the incident rather than to the natural course of the service user's illness or underlying condition, or
- severe harm, moderate harm or prolonged psychological harm to the service user.
Steps to be taken if a notifiable safety incident occurs
- To notify the relevant person that the incident has occurred and
- Provide reasonable support to them in relation to the incident including giving notification
The initial oral notification must be followed by a written notification containing the information already provided, the details of any enquiries to be undertaken and the results of those further enquiries. The written notification must also include an apology.
If the relevant person cannot be contacted in person or declines to discuss the incident, a written record should be kept of the attempts to contact and speak to them.
Consequences of non-compliance
- Not to notify the patient that the incident occurred
- To give false information
- To give partial information
- Not to apologise
- Not to keep records
- Not to give notification as soon as is reasonably practicable
Reporting concerns – colleagues
Doctors must ensure that, when entering into employment, they do not sign contracts with “gagging clauses” written into them, which forbid them to raise concerns about colleagues or procedures in the workplace. Doctors must also be careful when leaving employment that they do not sign compromise agreements which contain gagging clauses.
The GMC, in Raising and acting on concerns about patient safety, says: “You must not enter into contracts or agreements with your employing or contracting body that seek to prevent you from or restrict you in raising concerns about patient safety. Contracts or agreements are void if they intend to stop an employee from making a protected disclosure.”
Deciding what to do when you have concerns about a colleague’s behaviour is always uncomfortable. However, the GMC has given clear advice in Good Medical Practice (2013). The relevant advice is found under the heading “Respond to risks to safety” (paragraphs 24 – 25). You must promote and encourage a culture that allows all staff to raise concerns openly and safely.
The guidance makes it clear that the safety of patients must come first at all times. This means that a doctor who has concerns that a colleague may not be fit to practice must take prompt, appropriate action. They should explain their concerns clearly and honestly to an appropriate person from the contracting or employing body.
Any specific local procedures should be followed, and concerns should usually be documented in writing. In such circumstances you may want to seek advice from Medical Protection about how to raise such concerns, to ensure that your position is protected.
Public disclosure
- have done all you can to deal with any concern by raising it within the organisation in which you work or which you have contract with, or with the appropriate external body, and
- have good reason to believe that patients are still at risk of harm, and
- do not breach patient confidentiality.
In such circumstances you should ensure your concerns, and the steps you have taken, have been properly documented, and contact Medical Protection before raising any such matter publicly to ensure that your position is protected at all times.