Webinars - the Humble Sleep series
Humble Sleep
Dr Ashish Bhatia discusses the science behind sleep and provides guidance aimed at empowering your decisions regarding your personal wellbeing, giving you a range of unique tools and exercises to improve your sleeping patterns.
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Humble Sleep: Balancing Boundaries
Delve into the risks of multitasking, the dangers of digital lives, and the misunderstandings around ‘work life balance’. By learning more about the science and art of respecting the boundaries of our bodies, brains, people, and places, you can design your day to naturally balance boundaries and nurture optimal performance.
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Humble Sleep
Sleep is a basic function that we take for granted. To support the wellbeing of our members, Dr Bhatia discusses the science behind sleep as well as tips on how to improve your sleep.
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Humble Sleep: Survive and Thrive on Shifts
Manage your sleep by understanding more about the impacts of shift work on our health and performance. Learn from the experts how using chronobiology can help you set up and adapt your body clock and proactively plan your shifts.
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