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An essential guide to consent - Voluntariness

An essential guide to consent - Voluntariness

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Patients overtly coerced into undergoing treatment they do not want can rightly claim that their “consent” was not given freely and is therefore not valid. Cases of overt coercion are rare, but there are circumstances in which patients may feel that they have been covertly pushed into accepting treatment they would prefer not to have had. For example, in some circumstances patients may find it very difficult to say “No” to the proposed treatment, or to challenge the doctor’s assumption that they would have no objections to going ahead.

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Articles and features 29/08/2017

Rising nurse claims

Rising nurse claims

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MPS has seen a steady rise in the number of claims involving practice nurses, with ‘delay in diagnosis’ being the most common type of claim. Kate Taylor, Clinical Risk Manager, MPS Educational Services, reveals more

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Articles and features 25/08/2017

General confidentiality principles as advised by medical defence orga...

General confidentiality principles as advised by medical defence organisations

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All doctors know that maintaining confidentiality is an important part of building up trust with patients. Here, Dr Stephanie Bown examines the medicolegal aspects of confidentiality

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Good Medical Practice advises doctors that they must be honest and trustworthy when signing forms, reports and other documents. It also requires doctors to make sure that any documents they write or sign are not false or misleading

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The GMC's expectations on relationships with patients

The GMC's expectations on relationships with patients

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Around 7% of allegations heard at fitness-to-practise hearings in 2011 were with regards to relationships with patients. As a doctor’s profession is defined by the duty of care to patients, it follows that standards of professionalism are entwined with the strength of the relationship between doctor and patient.

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Risk management masterclass for general surgeons

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Risk management masterclass for general surgeons

As an experienced general surgeon you will know all about the risk of complaints and litigation. This masterclass can reduce your risk by developing your communication skills and teaching you a range of practical techniques to improve your patient interactions.

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Factsheet 17/06/2016

Safe prescribing - Scotland

Safe prescribing - Scotland

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Medication errors account for approximately 20% of all clinical negligence claims against doctors in both primary and secondary care. The costs associated with adverse events and inappropriate prescribing has been estimated at more than £750 million per year. This factsheet gives advice about avoiding prescribing errors.

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Factsheet 18/05/2016

Consent – The basics - Northern Ireland

Consent – The basics - Northern Ireland

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Respect for patients’ autonomy is expressed in consent law; to impose care or treatment on people without respecting their wishes and right to self-determination is not only unethical, but illegal. The approach to consent in Northern Ireland is currently governed by common law.

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Factsheet 12/05/2016

Consent – Children and young people - Northern Ireland

Consent – Children and young people - Northern Ireland

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Valid consent is just as important when treating children and young people as it is with adults. In some situations children are able to give consent themselves, and sometimes others need to take the decision on their behalf. This factsheet sets out the basic information to enable you to obtain the appropriate consent from children and young people.

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Articles and features 30/03/2016

Dealing with adverse incidents

Dealing with adverse incidents

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One of the greatest challenges a doctor will face during their career is in ensuring they respond well when things go wrong. Even the most experienced doctors make mistakes but it can be particularly difficult to deal with when you are one of the more junior members of the team.

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Factsheet 05/11/2015

Clinical negligence claims – what to expect - England

Clinical negligence claims – what to expect - England

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A clinical negligence claim is a demand for financial compensation for alleged harm caused by substandard clinical care. Common reasons for claims include failure or delay in diagnosis, or incorrect treatment. In fact, many claims arise out of poor communication.

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Factsheet 21/10/2015

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - Wales

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - Wales

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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has been a criminal offence in the UK since 1985 and the legislation was re-enacted in the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003. Five official reports on the subject have been published since November 2013 and MPS has produced this guidance for members.

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