The importance of living wills
Post date: 14/11/2017 | Time to read article: 1 minsThe information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018
This had been documented clearly in Dr Y’s clinical records. Dr Y informed the family members of his previous discussions with B. He also informed them that he did not believe that there was a reasonable prospect of meaningful recovery, should he ventilate B and administer aggressive treatment. This opinion was shared by a senior colleague who had also evaluated the patient at his request. All the family members disagreed and requested that “everything possible” be done to save/prolong B’s life.
Dr Y sought legal advice and was advised that he would be acting within his rights if he were to decide not to commence with aggressive therapy and that this should be carefully documented. However, in view of the high likelihood of a complaint by the family, it would be advisable to obtain a court order to protect Dr Y’s position.