Medical Protection supports Government’s proposal to regulate NHS managers
Post date: 29/01/2025 | Time to read article: 2 minsThe information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 29/01/2025
Introducing a mandatory register of NHS managers, overseen by a professional regulator with the authority to set standards and enforce sanctions, could significantly improve management practices and help address issues raised in recent scandals, according to Medical Protection.
In its response to the Government's consultation on proposals to regulate NHS managers, Medical Protection said NHS managers should also be required to demonstrate that they have the appropriate skillset to undertake the role, to help establish a baseline for management expertise and ensure that NHS management attracts candidates with appropriate leadership skills.
Successive inquiries, including those into Mid Staffordshire, East Kent, and Shrewsbury and Telford, have underscored the urgent need for measures to improve management standards and accountability. This issue is also under consideration in the ongoing inquiry into Lucy Letby.
Medical Protection stated that, as with clinicians, any sanctions an NHS manager may receive under the proposed regulatory framework should always be proportionate to the risk that they pose and this should include consideration of the ability of that manager to remediate.
Dr Rob Hendry, Medical Director at Medical Protection, said: “Our support for proposals to regulate NHS managers is informed by our insights from protecting doctors during a regulatory investigation and our experience of working with governments and regulators around the world to ensure regulation is effective, proportionate and fair.
“Healthcare managers have a huge impact on the culture within the organisations they lead. The behaviour of other staff is greatly influenced by their conduct and actions and this in turn plays a large part in patient safety.
“Under the current system when problems occur, the lack of regulation makes it difficult to hold managers to account - in contrast to the clinical workforce who are, by law, expected to hold high standards of honesty, integrity and openness and may be investigated by their regulator if concerns are raised.
“Introducing a robust regulatory framework and clear standards for NHS managers would be an important step in strengthening accountability and improving organisational culture within the NHS. Crucially, it would also provide reassurance to patients and staff that managers are held to a comparable standard as clinicians.
“Regulation could also improve the professional standing of NHS managers, who are often denigrated but who play a very important role. While creating a sense of professional pride and identity should never be the purpose of regulation, it could be a positive unintended consequence.
“We welcome the Government’s drive to address this disparity.”
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Click here to view Medical Protection’s submission.
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