Support with CQC: How Medical Protection can help
Post date: 30/06/2017 | Time to read article: 2 minsThe information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 16/10/2024
Medical Protection has a range of educational resources that can help your practice to prepare for a CQC inspection.
You can get direct assistance from Medical Protection by requesting a Clinical Risk Self Assessment (CRSA), which is a systematic approach that identifies risk and develops practical solutions, as one of the benefits of membership. Our experience has been that a CRSA is invaluable in assisting practices in preparing for their CQC inspection and also post-CQC inspection, to assist with issues raised by the CQC inspector.
If you are part of one of our Practice Xtra schemes, Medical Protection’s additional benefits schemes for GP practices, you may be entitled to a free or discounted CRSA. Practice Xtra can also provide you and your practice with access to risk management training, discounts on membership subscriptions and additional business support.

The KLOEs under SAFE are:
- CQC inspections-Safe
- Safe track record
- Learning from incidents
- Safeguarding
- Monitoring safety and responding to risk
- Medicines management
- Cleanliness and infection control
- Staffing and recruitment
- Dealing with emergencies
- Equipment
- Raising concerns and whistleblowing
- Safeguarding children
- Safeguarding children FAQs
- Medical records
- Repeat prescribing for GPs
Articles from Practice Matters magazine:
- Risk alert: Repeat prescribing
- Risk alert: Infection control
- Prescribing – core skills series
- PRISM - The online learning platform
Video guides:
Other articles:

The KLOEs under EFFECTIVE are:
- CQC inspections-Effective
- Promoting best practice
- Management, monitoring and improving outcomes for people
- Staffing
- Working with other services
- Information sharing
- Consent to care and treatment
- Health promotion and prevention.
- Consent – the basics
- Consent – children and young people
- Mental Capacity Act 2005 Series
Articles from Practice Matters magazine:
- Getting to grips with fit notes
Articles from New Doctor magazine:
- Don’t drop the baton
Articles from Your Practice magazine:
- Audit: good for patients and good for doctors
Medical Protection workshops:
- Mastering Adverse Outcomes
- Mastering Professional Interactions
Video guides:
- Video guide for junior doctors – How to handover safely

The KLOEs under CARING are:
- Respect, dignity, compassion and empathy
- Care planning and involvement in decisions about care and treatment
- Patient/carer support to cope emotionally with care and treatment.
- Raising concerns and whistleblowing
- Chaperones
- Chaperones - FAQs
- Confidentiality – general principles
Articles from Practice Matters magazine:
- Doctor’s orders vs patient choice
- Confidentiality – Disclosures about patients unable to consent
Medical Protection workshops:
The KLOEs under responsive are:
- Responding to and meeting people’s needs
- Access to the service
- Tackling inequity and promoting equality
- Listening and learning from concerns and complaints.
Articles in Practice Matters magazine:
- Triage in general practice
- How to set up a Patient Participation Group
The KLOEs under well-led are:
- Leadership, openness and transparency
- Governance arrangements
- Management lead through learning and improvement
- Practice seeks and acts on feedback from users, public and staff
- Systems to monitor and improve quality and improvement.
Articles in Practice Matters magazine:
- In the hot seat with…Professor Nigel Sparrow
- Preparing for CQC inspections
- How to survive a CQC inspection
- Your views - CQC inspections
- Risk alert: Infection control
- Risk alert: Controlled drugs
- David Behan discusses the future of CQC inspections – October 2013