Obstacles to GMC registration for IMGs and how to overcome them

Post date: 13/10/2022 | Time to read article: 3 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 24/02/2023

GMC registration is essential if you want to work as a doctor in the UK, but sometimes unexpected difficulties can arise. Dr Kimberley Tan from The Savvy IMG looks at some common problems and what you can do about them.

GMC registration is essential if you want to work as a doctor in the UK, but sometimes unexpected difficulties can arise. Dr Tan looks at some common problems and what you can do about them.

Getting registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) can be straightforward for many IMGs, but for others, it is full of challenges and disappointment.

In this article, I’ll go over three common obstacles that you might face when it comes to GMC registration, and how to overcome them so you can finally pursue your dream career in the UK.

An unacceptable pattern of internship

If you’re applying for full registration with the GMC, you’ll most likely need to submit evidence of clinical experience after completing your medical degree. For most IMGs, this experience will be in the form of an internship year.

Here are some of the key requirements for your internship year to be accepted by the GMC:

  1. The internship must be at least 12 months in duration.
  2. For a 12-month internship, you must have at least three months’ experience in medical specialties, and three months’ experience in surgical specialties.
  3. You must complete your internship within two years of graduation.
  4. You must avoid any unexplained gaps during your internship.

If your internship does not meet these basic requirements, it’s quite likely that it will be rejected. But that doesn’t mean that you are barred from GMC registration! You can consider several alternatives; the main ones are:

  1. Applying for UK internship through the UK Foundation Programme
  2. Submitting two years of continuous clinical experience instead of a one-year internship
  3. Completing a postgraduate qualification
  4. Applying for GMC sponsorship

Read more in this Savvy IMG article about internship and this article about alternatives to internship.

Career gaps

It's fairly common for doctors to have gaps in their clinical careers, whether that be for research, raising children, or looking after poorly family members. The GMC completely understands these reasons, so they do accept applications with gaps, but at the same time, they need to fulfil their primary purpose which is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public

What this means for you as an IMG is that the GMC registration process can take a bit longer while the GMC meticulously reviews your application. They may also ask for additional documentation as evidence for the reasons for your career gaps, so thinking ahead and preparing those documents in case the GMC asks for them will certainly help.

If possible, I’d definitely recommend returning to work. If you can show that you have recent clinical experience in the past 12 months, then it will be compelling evidence of your ability to work as a safe doctor. 

However, if you have already migrated away from where you originally trained, then returning to work as a doctor is challenging, if not impossible. In this situation, you’ll need to show that you are up to date by attending courses, reading medical journals, attending conferences, completing observerships, and generally keeping up with your professional development, which can be helpful for your application.

Employer references

If you have worked in a non-medical capacity in the last five years, or you have worked in a medical capacity without holding registration, then you will need to submit an employer reference to the GMC.

Examples of types of work that will require employer references include:

  • Research posts
  • Observerships or clinical attachments
  • Voluntary work as a doctor

Here are some of the common issues that IMGs face, as well as some example solutions.

Your reference does not have a professional email address:

Ask your reference to include a cover sheet on official hospital letterheaded paper, which also includes an official stamp.

You're unable to contact your reference from many years ago; or your reference refuses to complete any forms:

Find an alternative reference or obtain a character reference instead of an employer reference.


There are several obstacles that you can face when applying for GMC registration, but fortunately most problems do have a solution as described in this article. However, it’s important to bear in mind that these are only examples to illustrate that most problems can be resolved. The solutions mentioned may not be applicable in your individual circumstances. When you submit your application for GMC registration, the GMC will advise you on the exact solution to your specific problem. Following the GMC’s guidance is the best way to ensure that your application is accepted.

About the author

Dr Kimberley Tan is from The SavvyIMG, an online resource for IMGs, written by IMGs. The website now offers 80+ free guides, two online courses with more to come, and an IMG coaching service. Visit the website for more information: thesavvyimg.co.uk.

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