Top ten tips…for professionalism

Post date: 02/12/2015 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 18/05/2020

Conducting yourself in a professional manner is essential for a doctor. Dr John Jolly, Head of Member Risk Education at Medical Protection, shares his tips for maintaining a professional demeanour and avoiding unprofessional behaviours.

Professional vs. unprofessional

A professional doctor will:

  1. Take pride in doing a job well and pay attention to detail
  2. Take personal responsibility for their actions and the consequences
  3. Not be satisfied with a substandard result, and will seek to put things right
  4. Be prepared to acknowledge mistakes, learn from them and take appropriate steps to prevent recurrence
  5. Show respect for those who consult them in a professional capacity.

A professional doctor will avoid:

  1. Behaviour that suggests a disregard for the wellbeing of patients, or members of the public, and/or their dignity and rights
  2. Showing a disregard for the time and effort of those who are relying on them – for example, by consistently bad timekeeping
  3. Selfishness: putting one’s own financial or personal interests above all other considerations
  4. Agreeing to undertake a procedure for which the person lacks the necessary training, expertise or competence
  5. Being resistant to feedback or maintaining one’s continuing professional development.

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